Wednesday 11 September 2013

Today I reviewed my performance, planning and skills when it comes to EPQ related events. I discovered that my strengths include such things as showing imagination and inovation aswell as being motivated in a sense that if I am required to complete a specific task I won't stop until it has been done. I also found areas in which I am week that perhaps need improving, for example I am poor at planning and setting myself small goals to complete one step at a time. I have found a way in which I can counteract this weakness, by producing a Gantt Chart. This is simply a document which shows the progress I have achieved up to the present time and also the tasks I need to complete in the following weeks/months etc. I do this by splitting the write up in to seperate segments I complete each week or so ultimately resulting in a controlled, stress-free end project which I am happy with.

In addition I have come across the following document which outlines key skills and areas that I need to be confident with in order to complete the project to the best of my ability. It explains the areas of 6 different PLTS (Personal learning and thinking skills), the focus and how young learners apply these to different situations. I plan to print this out and place it in the front of my folder and refer back to it after each stage of my project is completed in order to see if I am a step closer to being confident with each one.

My next step is to find a few examples of previous EPQ projects which have a similar topic to mine and see what features are included, what is good about it and how I can replicate the skills they've used and apply it to my own project. Still awaiting a reply from Mr.Condliffe so instead I am most likely going to see him personally.

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