Thursday 26 September 2013

I have been researching about how to approach my 1000 word essay and have come across an advice page which suggests certain ideas such as how to structure an introduction, the first paragraph, follwoing paragraphs and then the conclusion. By using this 'checklist' as such, I can refer back to it whilst writing up my essay to ensure I have included all the necessary points. It also provides the main stages for producing an essay. It is a simple 10 step method including a plan of what actions to perform, a first draft, editing the first draft (with structure and content as well as style) and proof reading before producing the final copy. 

I have also researched for certain local players who were playing top flight rugby at the time in which rugby union turned from amateur to professional and came across rory underwood; top try scorer for England and Leicester Tigers. So I've order his autobiography and will try to get in touch with him to see if I could conduct a small interview with him to see how rugby union becoming professional changed his life. On the subject of researching historical players, I came across a small section of Tigers history from 1990-1999 whcih includes the team turning from amateur to professional in 1997. I've printed this off so I can refer back to it when it comes to drafting my essay and creating my documentary.   

My EPQ tutor is getting in touch with MR Condliffe and so I will soon be asking him questions surrounding the structure of a documentary and so that is something that needs to be done in the future, as well as a scheduled plan of events I must carry out which will contribute to the production of my final copy.         

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