Wednesday 5 February 2014

The past week has been rather non-progressive for me aside of obtaining further knowledge surrounding plagiarism which was a concern of mine. Little has been done towards my project due to the high demand for revision in my other projects however, according to my time planning I should now be recording myself reading out sections of my documentary that I have  written out and obtain clips from YouTube etc. that would apply to my project. However, I have already bean to do this and will continue my search for them, it also says I should be getting plagiarism sorted with my project by referencing books, articles and web pages which I have already done, I now need to add them to the end of the documentary or simply print them out as a word document to hand in alongside my 1000 word essay. My future plans still include completing my source analysis despite the fact I have already selected my useful information, I need to explain why I selected the data I did. Another useful action to take would be to obtain further primary data for my project, but apart from this I am currently in good shape and on track going in to March. The picture above is simply a screen grab of my reference list as it currently stands, I will need to add to it as I never completed it as I researched.

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