Wednesday 29 January 2014

Recently, I have selecting footage which I can use in my documentary such as more dated rugby before the 1995 world cup when rugby union became professional. By doing this I can not only inform the viewer of the change in tactics/intensity of the game, but I can also illustrate it through visual means (this was my reasoning for creating a documentary). In addition, I have also been looked for footage in which Ian Hunter- the man who I recently interviewed of the phone- is present in whilst playing for England, to act as background footage whilst the edited interview plays. I have also finished my mid-project proposal which looks promising as it includes my accomplishments thus far. In the future I will need to complete a source analysis in which I analyse the data I have collected to create my project and pick out the information which is valid and useful and eliminate that which is not. Also, a minor issue I have at the moment is that I am unsure as to what footage to play other than rugby matches because, although they will be informative and interesting, I do not wish my documentary to be repetitive so that is something I will need to bring up to my centre coordinator or even the member of staff he advised to talk to which I still haven't got round to seeing. Other than this I am sticking to the gaant chart I have created, managing my time well and getting closer to the end product. (The picture above shows the E-mails sent by Ian Hunter arranging the interview).

Wednesday 22 January 2014

I have recently progressed greatly in the field of primary research due to the suggestions provided by my advisor. I decided to contact club teams which are more local as this would more likely stimulate a reply as they are more active with their fans, as they proved so. A couple of days ago I conducted an interview over the phone with a man named Ian Hunter, a former Northampton Saints and England player. His email address was provided by the Saints' official site who were of great help! He then suggested I called him and asked him a few questions and recorded the interview which lasted 12 minutes, this is of great help as I can now use this in my documentary as audio information. In addition I have just received a reply from the Saracens' official site (as show on the right), who said they can hand out a questionnaire to players of the right audience if they are willing to complete it. This will provide a range of primary data for my documentary which will overcome a huge number of problems I was previously facing. It won't be long before I'm fully prepared to begin my project, all I need to do now is visit a member of staff (advised by my centre coordinator) to question them about pointers for creating the documentary.